
토니 블레어 영국 총리
토니 블레어 영국 총리

토니 블레어 전 영국 총리, 자가격리 지침 위반으로 구설 / 연합뉴스TV (YonhapnewsTV) (할 수있다 2024)

토니 블레어 전 영국 총리, 자가격리 지침 위반으로 구설 / 연합뉴스TV (YonhapnewsTV) (할 수있다 2024)

두 번째 항

그러나 매우 인기없는 반대에 직면 한 블레어는 2001 년 5 월 영국 선거 역사상 최대 2 위의 다수 인 하원 의원 167 석으로 재선되었습니다. 유권자 투표율은 1918 년 이래 가장 낮았습니다. 두 번째 용어는 국제 문제에 의해 지배되었다. 1990 년대 후반 그는 세르비아의 코소보 지방과 시에라 리온에서 평화 유지 활동을함으로써 칭찬을 받았다. 2001 년 9 월 11 일 미국에 대한 공격 이후 영국은 아프가니스탄에서 탈레반을 권력에서 몰아 내고 오사마 빈 라덴 (Osama bin Laden)과 같은 이슬람 무장 세력의 안전한 안식처가 된 국제 연합을 형성하는 데 중요한 역할을했다. 공격의 대가입니다. 블레어는 미국 Pres와 좋은 관계를 유지했습니다. 조지 W.부시 대통령은 세계적인 테러와의 전쟁에서 영국과 미국을 동맹했다. 2003 년 초, 유엔 안전 보장 이사회가 무기 감시관을 이라크로 돌려 보내는 것을 결의 한 결의안을 통과 한 후, 블레어 총리는 다른 안보리 회원국들을 설득하는 데 성공하지 않았다. 이라크 정부는 아 다드 오세인에 의해 개최됩니다.블레어 총리와 부시 대통령은 다른 보안위원회 위원들을 설득하는 데 성공하지 못했으며, 이라크 정부의 아다 무드 오세인 정부가 보유한 대량 살상 무기를 발견 할 수는 없을 것이라고 말했습니다.블레어 총리와 부시 대통령은 다른 보안위원회 위원들을 설득하는 데 성공하지 못했으며, 이라크 정부의 아다 무드 오세인 정부가 보유한 대량 살상 무기를 발견 할 수는 없을 것이라고 말했습니다.

노동당 내부의 깊은 분열에도 불구하고, 여러 장관이 사임하고 139 명의 의회 의원들이 정부 정책에 반대하는 발의에 찬성표를 던졌다. 블레어 총재의 노력에 대한 열성적인지지는 세계적인 정치인으로서의 명성을 손상 시켰으며, 주요 유럽 동맹국들과 사귀었다. 군사 감시관이 대량 살상 무기를 발견하지 못했을 때, 블레어 정부는 이라크가 임박한 위협 이었다는 주장에 근거한 정보를 왜곡하는 ("섹스 업") 혐의로 기소됐다. 2004 년 10 월 블레어 총리는 3 번째 임기를 국무 총리로 모색하겠다고 발표했지만 4 번째 임기를지지는 않을 것이라고 발표했다.

3 학기

Despite lingering public dissatisfaction with Blair’s policy in Iraq, Blair led the Labour Party to its third successive general election victory in May 2005, albeit with a sharply reduced majority. Simmering revolt in the Labour Party over both Iraq and Blair’s rejection of core Labour policies led him to promise that he would resign before the next election. Blair’s popularity, with both the general public and the Labour members of Parliament, generally declined after the election. Many people in Britain felt that the country was in the grip of a serious malaise. Social cohesion seemed to be collapsing in much of urban Britain, as shown by a steep rise in violent crime and open drug dealing. Public officials in the police, civil service, and education sectors seemed to be unable to grapple effectively with the social crisis as they struggled to meet bureaucratic targets. After Islamic extremists exploded bombs in London on July 7, 2005, killing 54 people, Blair began to emphasize the need for a common public culture, and former multicultural policies that encouraged ethnic groups to separate into different communities were repudiated.

Blair’s government suffered its first defeat in the House of Commons in November 2005, when 49 Labour members of Parliament joined the opposition in voting against antiterrorist laws that would have extended the length of time suspects could be held without charge. Subsequently, many Labour members of Parliament called for Blair to announce a date for his departure as prime minister well before the next general election; following a series of resignations by junior ministers, Blair declared in September 2006 that he would stand down as prime minister within a year. On May 10, 2007—one week after Labour was defeated by the Scottish National Party in elections to the Scottish Parliament and suffered major defeats in English local elections as well and two days after devolved power was returned from London to a power-sharing government in Northern Ireland—Blair announced that he would officially tender his resignation as prime minister on June 27, 2007. Blair subsequently was succeeded as leader of the Labour Party and as prime minister by his long-serving chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown.


Blair’s decade in office was marked by uninterrupted economic growth and a more independent Bank of England. Blair also preserved much of Thatcher’s market radicalism while managing to place greater emphasis on social justice. Numerous minority groups found his government more sympathetic to their concerns—notably gays, who by 2004 were allowed to enter into civil partnerships recognized by the law. Many believed, however, that Blair’s role in restoring peace to Northern Ireland would come to be seen as his most enduring political legacy. Blair showed a remarkable ability to convey optimism and energy in the face of adversity caused not least by the failure in Iraq.

Critics of his record argued that, instead of using his parliamentary majority to reform the institutions of state, he pursued incoherent short-term policies that left Britain ill-governed in important areas. The state became more intrusive and even more authoritarian without managing to overcome a range of social ills, particularly rising crime and drug use. The economy grew steadily, but it was burdened by low productivity and growing volumes of personal and state debt. Citizens were heavily taxed, and Britain lost much of its remaining manufacturing base, becoming more dependent on financial services and low-skilled sectors for progress. Blair allowed millions of mainly low-skilled migrant workers to settle in the country, and he was criticized for leaving the economy more exposed to the forces of globalization than that of any other large Western country. The biggest cloud hanging over his reputation was the failure to ensure that British involvement in the invasion and occupation of Iraq resulted in policies capable of preventing that country from becoming a source of instability in the Middle East. History could judge his premiership more kindly in the future. However, at the time that he stepped down, Blair was widely viewed as a lucky politician with exceptional talents that enabled him to be a successful vote winner but ultimately lacking the ability to be a noteworthy reformer at home or a stabilizing force in a world facing the resurgence of dangerous divisions.